เราสามารถสร้าง Languages database หลายๆภาษา ให้กับ notes database ได้ โดยอาศัย Tools ของ Notes ที่ชื่อ Domino Global Workbench โดยไม่ต้อง design database เพิ่มเติมเลย ลองอ่าน และ ดาวน์โหลดเอกสารที่เป็น notes database (.nsf) ดูครับ
Global Workbench Overview
The GWB allows Lotus Notes databases to be translated easily into one or more different languages.
The source database design is scanned and an interim copy of this database, called a "tagged" database is created, with all the translatable terms (text strings on forms, action descriptions, help text, etc) replaced by Special tag references.
As a database is being tagged each term is looked up in an associated Glossary or Glossaries, If the term is not found in a Glossary it will be created as a new Glossary Term for translation. ( These Glossary terms can also be added by hand). The Special tag references as mentioned above are simply Internal Notes references of the Glossary Terms in the specified Notes Glossaries.As a database is being tagged each term is looked up in an associated Glossary or Glossaries, If the term is not found in a Glossary it will be created as a new Glossary Term for translation. ( These Glossary terms can also be added by hand). The Special tag references as mentioned above are simply Internal Notes references of the Glossary Terms in the specified Notes Glossaries.
A separate translation document exists in the Glossary in each language for each translatable term. When the Glossary translations have been completed and marked as approved, a multi-lingual database can be created as follows.
Using the Tagged database as the reference source, the GWB creates a new database by selecting the appropriate Glossary Terms for the specified Language(s) and swapping them for the Special Tag references.
If the new database has more than one language embedded you will see one copy of each design element for each language, distinguished by the field $Language.
The user can switch languages by changing the Content Language under their User International Preferences.
Domino Global WorkBench Help
Explains how to use Domino Global WorkBench
(previously called Notes Global Designer), a set of software tools that
will help you to manage the localization (translation) of Domino
databases, especially Web site databases.
Download Notes database in
self-extracting zip file.
File size: 1127KB; last modified: 03/22/1999

Domino Global WorkBench Guidelines
Download PDF file.
Visit IBM website for more information.